Dark Knight Legacy is a fan film set one year after the Dark Knight Rises, following "Robin" John Blake's heroic journey to protect the symbol of Batman from the lethal, relentless attacks of a masked vigilante known only as the Red Hood.
Directed by Brett Register
Produced by Denise Pantoja and TJ Rotell
Written by Woody Tondorf and Chris Landa
Edited by Brett Register
Cinematography by Jan Michael Losada
Sound and sound design by Mike Robertson and Sean Oakley
Music and score by Rob Gokee
Stunts by EMC Monkeys
Color correction by Tim Donahue
Video FX by Jordan Service
Wardrobe by Jenny Green
Red Hood helmet and Penguin makeup by Dan Crawley
Brian Kimmet as the Penguin
Craig Frank as Romeo Sionis
Aoni Ma as Lynx
Bonjah as Lo Boyz Captain
Jack Conway as Gun Priest
Jin Kelley as Dallas
Maury Sterling as Jason Todd/The Red Hood
Armand Vasquez as Max Eckhart
Chloe Dykstra as Stephanie Brown
and Daniel Vincent Gordh as "Robin" John Blake/Nightwing